8 ACRES – 2 Bedroom Very Modern Ocean View Home With Pool!!!!
Make no mistake this property is no ordinary piece of real estate. It is a true piece of art!
The name Cloud Nine says it all
This beautiful 2 lot property is located in the secure, jungle community of Cascada Sandalo just minutes off the Costanera Highway, on the currently being paved road through Tres Rios
Upon arrival at the custom electric entryway gate designed by artist Lynn Erikson, you immediately know you are home!
As the gate opens into this magical property you are met with a feeling of serenity and complete privacy.
This is where the visual treat begins….
The beautifully landscaped driveway is simply preparing you for this one of a kind designed buildings that will make you stop in your tracks.
This outstandingly constructed home was designed in 2019 by renowned architect Roberto Rivera and his wife, Ana Ulloa Dormond.
The home and grounds were completed in 2019 to the highest standards, featuring
256m2 (2852sf) of exquisite living spaces including the newly finished viewing deck.
Environmentally sensitive architectural designed with minimal impact on the natural landscape
Elevated living areas,
Floor to ceiling glass for your ever-changing, viewing pleasure,
Beautiful upper tiled deck that allows for 360 degree uninterrupted sunset, ocean, jungle, and wildlife viewing.
Inside the home there has been no detail overlooked including
Santos kitchen cabinets from Spain,
Frigidaire Stainless steel Appliances,
Custom made dining centre piece made of Macauba Quartzite from Argentina,
Quartz, kitchen and bath counters,
Kitchen faucet by Zucchetti,
Imported tile from Spain throughout,
Lighting by Contemporary Lighting,
Ceiling fans by Minka-Aire,
Faucets and showers by Franz Viegener,
Blinds by Krisa’s,
and finally the
Beautifully tiled, outdoor pool that highlights the architecture of the home and natural surroundings.
While you are enjoying exploring the main home, you will begin to feel as though you are part of the jungle canopy. The current owners are nature enthusiast and have logged over 100 different species of birds nesting on and visiting the property!
Imagine waking each day to the countless species of birds on the property flying past your bedroom windows, as well as the many other daily canopy visitors including monkeys, sloths, and the resident pizote, to name a few. Tres Rios is home to All four Monkey species.
There is also an additional separate one bed one bath structure next to the main home, featuring a private entrance and of course the same high quality finishes throughout.
This building is currently being enjoyed as an art studio, but you could use for in-law/guest quarters, a gym or whatever your heart desires.
But wait….
This is just the beginning to the beauty that awaits you in this perfectly planned sanctuary!
Featuring an extensive network of garden and jungle hiking trails that surround you for you exercise and wildlife viewing enjoyment.
This unique estate is comprised of 2 separate lots totaling
8 spectacular acres of Costa Rican Ocean View Jungle with
2 seasonal creeks.
90+ foot waterfall with easy access.
Meticulously landscaped lush gardens that bring in hundreds of species of birds, butterflies and many more visitors daily.
1500 liter water storage.
Tres Rios Asada (water)
Community orchard
Guarded entrance in a private close-knit community of high end homes and fabulous neighbors
Easy access off the main highway
Finally there is
Non developable primary Jungle Reserve behind the property for even more nature to explore.
The current owners as before mentioned are nature enthusiasts and artists which is reflected the extensive planning and absolute perfection of this property.
The creativity and attention to detail is reflected in the way you feel the second you arrive! So just imagine the excitement of living life here every day!
What are you waiting for? This work of art will sell quickly!
Call or message me for a private or virtual tour.
Also for our bird enthusiasts here is a list of the birds seen and nesting on the property
Infrequently Seen Birds
Considering the location of the property and the quality of the jungle surrounding it, we can only assume that the property hosts and/or serves as a transition area for many of the rare to uncommon species in the low to middle altitudes of the southern pacific zone. However, the following species have been confirmed on the property… Scarlet Macaw, Montezuma’s Oropendula, Chestnut-headed Oropendula, Pheasant Cuckoo, Three-wattled Bellbird, Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Baltimore Oriole, Black-cowled Oriole, Royal Flycatcher, Bicolored Antbird, Barred Antshrike, Turquoise Cotinga, Scarlet Tanager, Summer Tanager, Speckled Tanager, Silver-throated Tanager, Bay-headed Tanager, Rosy Thrush-Tanager, Indigo Bunting, Painted Bunting, Red-capped Manakin, Brown Violetear Hummingbird, and Ruby-throated Hummingbird,
Frequently Seen Birds
The property serves as a daily home, nesting area, and transition zone to hundreds of species of birds that are consistently seen and/or heard. It would be difficult to list them all, but here is a list of some of the more beautiful and entertaining species frequently seen… Crested Eagle, Ornate Hawk-Eagle, Black Hawk-Eagle, King Vulture, Swallow-tailed Kite, White Hawk, Red-throated Caracara, Bat Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Laughing Falcon, Crested Owl, Spectacled Owl, Black and White Owl, Great Tinamou*, Grey-necked Woodrail*, Mealy Parrot*, Red-lored Parrot, White-crowned Parrot*, Brown-hooded Parrot, Crimson-fronted Parakeet, Orange-chinned Parakeet, Chestnut-mandibled Toucan*, Fiery-billed Aracari, Squirrel Cuckoo, White-throated Magpie Jay, Baird’s Trogon*, Black-throated Trogon, Gartered Trogon, Slaty-tailed Trogon, Blue-crowned Motmot*, Pale-billed Woodpecker, Rufous-winged Woodpecker, Scarlet-rumped Cacique, White-necked Puffbird, Masked Tityra, Streaked Flycatcher*, Orange-billed Sparrow, Green Shrike-Vireo, Gray-headed Tanager, Golden-hooded Tanager*, Cherrie’s Tanager*, Blue-gray Tanager, Green Honeycreeper*, Red-legged Honeycreeper, Shining Honeycreeper, Blue Dacnis, Scarlet-thighed Dacnis, and Yellow-crowned Euphonia. There is also more than ten different species of hummingbirds, including the Long-billed Starthroat, Long-billed Hermit, Stripe-throated Hermit, White-necked Jacobin, Purple-crowned Fairy, Crowned Woodnymph, Charming, Rufous-tailed, Blue-throated Goldentail, Violet-headed, and White-crested Coquette. All these species of hummingbirds are here on the property every day and therefore we assume they are also nesting in the area.
* Indicates species that have active nests on the property